For web sites
Your web site is an important channel for communicating with customers, prospects, readers and/or employees. The main reason you devote your precious time and effort into a web site is to attract people on a regular basis. To do this, a web site needs to be useful, entertaining and/or fulfill some kind of service. Does your web site give a user a reason to come back in the future? A reason to come back every week? Remember, the more often a person enters your web site, the more of a chance they will utilize your services, buy your products or read your articles.
Humorous and entertaining cartoons not only break up monotonous text with vivid color, but they provide a place that your surfers will want to visit on a regular basis. This allows you more of an opportunity to market your products, increase your service activity, build your brand, get out important employee related information, or simply keep traffic coming back to your web site. People will probably bookmark the page!
For publications
The same hold true for printed publications. Cartoons are great page turners. Many surveys indicate that the comic section of a newspaper is the first section that is read. By placing our cartoons inside your publication, it makes your readers turn the page!
This is just a few, select samples of my work. After 20 years of cartooning, I have a huge archive. If you are looking to fill a niche of a particular publication and don’t find what you’re looking for here, please feel free to email me. I’m sure I can work with you to provide the perfect content for your publication. Cartoons are available for websites, publications, magazines, newsletters, powerpoint presentations, and more.

Niche: Small Business
Business Sense
A comic strip geared toward small business owners and the self-employed.
View samples

Niche: Mobile and Club DJs
A Different Spin
A comic strip geared towards club and mobile DJ’s
View samples

Niche: Music and Musicians
Buddy and Hopkins
A comic strip geared toward musicians and fans of music.
View samples

Niche: Online Dating
Clicking Together
A comic strip geared towards the online dating community.
View samples

Niche: Mobile and Club DJs
A Different Spin
A comic strip geared towards club and mobile DJ’s
View samples
Don’t see the niche you are interested in? Email me your request!